It’s not often I have the joy of photographing families with older children—families that have made it through the little years and are now preparing their kids for leaving their home. When Sanny inquired for about a Northern California family session on the beaches of Santa Cruz, she shared with me how special this season has been for them. She and her husband, Mat, have two teenagers and two young boys, all of which are growing and changing daily.
As an amazing photographer herself, Sanny has prioritized her own family’s photographic archive for years. Still, this year felt a bit different. Things were shifting in their family. Now, more than ever, felt like a crucial time to document honestly and intentionally. Sanny shared her desire for images that told the story of her family, ones she could bind in an album or hang on her walls that felt like pieces of art. Motion, personality, a documentary feel with a fine art approach. This is what we were after.
Our aesthetic direction for the Northern California family session came from the Bay Area’s dramatic coastline (one of the most inspiring places on earth to me). Earthen neutrals, hues of blue from the sea, soft yet intriguing textures. Sanny chose to wear an iconic Doen dress, and we crafted the remainder of the outfits around her look. Her choices felt intentional, blending seamlessly with the landscape.
But beyond the captivating location (I think fog is extremely underrated—a topic for another day) and beautiful people, what really fueled me during our time together was the bond this family shares. The countless hours Sanny and Matt have invested in their family—in their children—are evident in each interaction. Kindness, respect, the ability to laugh easily, friendship. It’s all there.
People come to me all the time longing for images like the ones below. Truly, the outcome has very little to do with me. In these moments, there’s nothing hidden. What’s below the surface always rises. Maybe, we could all use a little more of what the Haucks under the surface—joy.

xx, Michela